prof. UAM dr hab. Iwona Hildebrandt-Radke
tel.: 61 829 61 99
zainteresowania naukowe (słowa kluczowe): geoarcheologia, geomorfologia, paleogeografia holocenu, sedymentologia
jednostka organizacyjna WNGiG UAM: Instytut Geoekologii i Geoinformacji, Pracownia Badań Antropocenu
najważniejsze publikacje (10 pozycji):
Sobkowiak-Tabaka I.M., Milecka K., Kubiak-Martens L., Pawłowski D., Kurzawska A., Janczak-Kostecka B., Kostecki R., Hildebrandt-Radke I., Apolinarska K.E., Goslar T.E. 2022 – The persistent place at Lubrza: a small paradise for hunter-gatherers? Multi-disciplinary studies of Late Palaeolithic environment and human activity in the Łagów lake district (western Poland). Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 1-19.
Zwoliński Z., Jasiewicz J., Mazurek M.B., Hildebrandt-Radke I., Makohonienko M. 2021 – Geohazards and Geomorphological Setting in Poznań Urban Area, Poland. Journal of Maps 1-13.
Romaniszyn J., Niebieszczański J.A., Cwaliński M., Rud V., Hildebrandt-Radke I., Spychalski W., Makarowicz P.M., 2021 – Middle Bronze Age cemeteries, “double barrows” and mortuary houses in the Upper Dniester Basin, Western Ukraine: Geophysical prospection and archaeological verification. Archaeological Prospection 1-14.
Jasiewicz J., Niedzielski P., Krueger M., Hildebrandt-Radke I., Michałowski A., 2021 – Elemental variability of prehistoric ceramics from postglacial lowlands and its implications for emerging of pottery traditions – An example from the pre-Roman Iron Age. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 39, 1-13.
Doani S., Hildebrandt-Radke I., Vouvalidis K., Albanakis K., Syrides G., 2021 – Sedimentological variability and depositional environment of the Anthemountas River (Northern Greece) during the Late Pleistocene and Holocene. Quaternary International 589, 95-111.
Niebieszczański J., Hildebrandt-Radke I., Vouvalidis K., Syrides G., Andreou S., Czebreszuk J., Pappa M., Tsourlos P., Karpińska-Kołaczek M., Rzodkiewicz M., Kołaczek P., 2019 – Geoarchaeological evidence of landscape transformations at the Neolithic and Bronze Age settlement of Nea Raedestos in the Anthemous River valley, central Macedonia, Greece. Quaternary Research 91 (2), 600-619.
Niebieszczanski J., Czebreszuk J., Hildebrandt-Radke I., Vouvalidis K., Syrides G., Tsourlos P., Spychalski W., 2019 – Uncovering tell formation processes in the Anthemous Valley (Northern Greece): Geoarchaeological studies of Nea Raedestos Toumba. Journal of Archaeological Science Reports 27, 101987.
Hildebrandt-Radke I., Makarowicz P., Matviishyna Z.N., Parkhomenko A., Lysenko S.D., Kochkin I.T., 2019 – Late Neolithic and Middle Bronze Age barrows in Bukivna, Western Ukraine as a source to understand soil evolution and its environmental significance. Journal of Archaeological Science Reports 27, 101972.
Niebieszczanski J., Jaeger M., Peto A., Hildebrandt-Radke I., Kulcsar G., Staniuk R., Taylor N., Czebreszuk J., 2019 – Revealing the internal organization of a Middle Bronze Age fortified settlement in Kakucs-Turjan through geoarchaeological means: Magnetometric survey and sedimentological verification of a housing structure. Journal of Archaeological Science Reports 25, 409-419.
Zwoliński Z., Hildebrandt-Radke I., Mazurek M., Makohonienko M., 2018 – Anthropogeomorphological methamorphosis of an urban area in the postglacial landscape: a case study of Poznań city. [W:] Urban geomorphology. Landforms and processes in cities, M.J. Thornbush, C.D. Allen (red.), Elsevier: 55-77.
Niebieszczański J., Pető Á., Serlegi G., Hildebrandt-Radke I., Galas J., Sipos G., Páll D.G., Onaca A., Spychalski W., Jaeger M., Kulcár G., Tylor N., Márkus G., 2018 – Geoarchaeological and non-invasive investigations of the site and its surroundings. [W:] Jaeger M., Kulcár G., Staniuk R. (red.), Kakucs-Turján. Middle Bronze Age multi-layered fortified settlement in Central Hungary. Studien zur Archäologie in Ostmitteleuropa, Studia nad Pradziejami Europy środkowej, Band/Tom 18, Rudolf Habelt GmbH: 43-71.
Hildebrandt-Radke I., Stróżyk M., Czebreszuk J., Jaeger M., Pospieszny Ł., Cwaliński M., Niebieszczański J., Rotnicka J., 2018 – Wykorzystanie metody litologicznej do weryfikacji rezultatów nieinwazyjnych badań kurhanów z epoki brązu na pograniczu śląsko-wielkopolskim (Las Krotoszyn, Wielkopolska). Acta Geographica Lodziensia 107, 73-92.